It's generally not recommended to leave bats in your attic, home, business or even garage or barn for several reasons:
Health Concerns: Bat guano can harbor disease-causing organisms, potentially affecting indoor air quality.
Structural Damage: Bats' droppings and urine can cause damage to insulation and wood.
Noise and Odor: Bat colonies can create noise and odor issues over time.
Our Professional Approach: At Wildlife Control Pros, we prioritize the humane and effective removal of bats from your property:
Assessment: We inspect your property to identify entry points and roosting sites.
Exclusion: We seal entry points and install exclusion devices to prevent bats from reentering.
Cleanup: We safely remove droppings and sanitize affected areas.
Education: We provide guidance on preventive measures to avoid future bat infestations.
Remember, your safety and comfort are our top concerns. If you suspect bat activity in your property, don't hesitate to reach out to us at (231) 299-0929 or WildlifeControlPro@gmail.com. We're here to assist you in navigating the world of bats and ensuring your property remains a safe and pleasant place to call home.
Feel free to read on below for more information about bats in our area.
Understanding Bats and Navigating Your Wildlife Concerns
Let's shed some light on the fascinating world of bats and address your concerns about their presence in your property. In Northwest Michigan, various bat species call this region home, each with its unique characteristics and habits. Now we will dive into some essential information to help you make informed decisions.
Common Bat Species in Northwest Michigan:
Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus): One of the most prevalent species in the area, these bats are known for their small size and preference for roosting in buildings.
Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus): As the name suggests, these larger bats are often found in attics and barns.
Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis): These bats prefer woodland habitats but may occasionally roost in buildings.
Signs of Bat Presence:
Droppings (Guano): Accumulation of small, pellet-like droppings often indicates bat activity.
High-Pitched Sounds: Bats emit high-frequency sounds that are often beyond human hearing range.
Stains: Oily marks on walls and entry points are signs of bats squeezing through.
Bats and Health Risks: While bats contribute positively to ecosystems by controlling insect populations, it's important to note the potential health risks they pose to humans and pets:
Histoplasmosis: A lung infection caused by inhaling spores from bat droppings, especially in enclosed spaces.
Rabies: Although rare, bats can transmit rabies through bites, scratches, or contact with saliva.